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DEI Corporate Studies at Hutchinson

"At Hutchinson Izmir, we see diversity, equity and inclusion among our core values"

As the Hutchinson Izmir, which is part of a global multinational company, we see diversity, equity and inclusion among our core values. 

We fully believe that equality of opportunity should be ensured in every field due to today's conditions. In this regard, there are many actions we have taken within the framework of our company's Human Resources policies. While 50% of the senior management team consists of female employees, 47% of our company's administrative staff is represented by female employees. We also have recruitment processes that will increase the inclusiveness in which we employ multinational employees from different locations and countries. 

We see diversity as an asset and encourage diversity among the people who make up our workforce, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability or any other discriminatory factor.

As part of our principle of inclusion, we aim to ensure that all our employees feel accepted and supported in the workplace. Therefore, we are committed to respecting differences, listening to different perspectives and creating an environment where everyone can have their voice heard. We strengthen these values by organizing training and awareness programs on diversity and inclusion.

Women Empowerment Project

As the Hutchinson Izmir, which is part of a global multinational company, we see diversity, equity and inclusion among our core values. 

We fully believe that equality of opportunity should be ensured in every field due to today's conditions. In this regard, there are many actions we have taken within the framework of our company's Human Resources policies. While 50% of the senior management team consists of female employees, 47% of our company's administrative staff is represented by female employees. We also have recruitment processes that will increase the inclusiveness in which we employ multinational employees from different locations and countries. 

We see diversity as an asset and encourage diversity among the people who make up our workforce, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability or any other discriminatory factor.

As part of our principle of inclusion, we aim to ensure that all our employees feel accepted and supported in the workplace. Therefore, we are committed to respecting differences, listening to different perspectives and creating an environment where everyone can have their voice heard. We strengthen these values by organizing training and awareness programs on diversity and inclusion.

What steps are you taking to encourage and support female leaders?

As Hutchinson Izmir, we shape our HR policies and recruitment strategies in this direction by ensuring that at least 50% of our Development Workshops are female employees in our Development Workshop activities to encourage and support female leaders. This is an important step in creating a special environment that will help female employees develop their leadership potential and advance their careers.

Additionally, we have set our goal to increase the number of female leaders on the global platform and aim to provide opportunities for more female employees at the senior management level. In line with this goal, the appointment of a female manager to the global platform this year was an important milestone on our path.

What opportunities and resources do you offer to support the career development of female employees?

Hutchinson Izmir supports female managers and management candidates in development and leadership workshops in order to ensure equal opportunities by adopting an inclusive approach. Various training and development programs are offered at the development workshop to support the career development of our female employees and increase their leadership potential. These programs offer in-depth training in areas such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, team management and strategic planning. We also offer mentoring and coaching programs to support the career development of our female employees.

These programs, provided by experienced leaders and managers, offer our female employees the opportunity to guide, provide support and receive feedback throughout their careers. In parallel, we are working on designing a separate training program for female leaders on a global platform for the first time this year.

How do you aim to improve the workplace experiences of people with disabilities?

We organize programs that increase awareness about disability and develop empathy and understanding among employees. We provide flexibility for our disabled employees in various factors such as workload and provide the necessary support so they can do their jobs more efficiently.We also collect their opinions and feedback to improve their experience at work.

What kind of support  measures do you take for your disabled employees?

Physical arrangements have been made in our workplace so that disabled individuals can easily move around and do their jobs. There are digital screen readers so that our disabled employees can do their jobs more efficiently.

Awareness is increased by providing training on disability to all our employees.

What do you do to ensure that disabled employees have equal opportunities at work?

We raise awareness by organizing different trainings on disability for all our employees. We also organize special training programs for our disabled employees. 

We offer equal career development opportunities to our disabled employees and we attach importance to their opinions and participation in all processes.

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