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DEI & People focused companies gain a strategic advantage in competition.

This is our interview published by HR Magazine in its January 2024 issue.

HR Magazine

Global Sales Director Leyla Betül Feyiz, Global Program Manager Özgür Abanoz, Global DEI Director Nadire Ercan and Global DEI Leader Psychologist Deniz Çoban from the Workplace in Action® team answered our questions on the subject.

HR Magazine: We know your slogan is “The world's most inclusive DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Practice Program.” We would like to hear your starting story and milestones in your words.

As TDX Consulting, we offer cultural transformation services to leading organizations in Türkiye and the world. In our consultancy services, unlike conventional approaches, we work full-time and 100% integrated with the companies we serve. While this approach successfully ensures cultural transformation, it also forms the basis for our new work.

Our Diversity and Inclusion services started with processes such as organizational design studies, supporting female employees, and taking actions against glass ceiling syndrome and disabled people. However, these studies were initially provided individually and not within the framework of a systematic DEI program.

The fact that DEI studies in Turkey and the world are not integrated and are generally one-dimensional led us to the need to create an integrated application program. As a global company, we want to respond to the increasing need for DEI practices, especially in America, the United Kingdom and Australia, and to ensure that Turkey also We have accelerated our work to ensure progress on the issue.

As a member of WEP's, BADV and the Global Compact, we have always been an organization that has a special interest in DEI and strives for it.

In 2021, we made our DEI studies more systematic and trackable with KPIs. We strengthened the social aspect with the support of our psychologists and sociologists, and the structural and systemic aspects with the support of our consultants. We developed our work and program to support the practices of global NGOs.

In parallel, using our expertise from management consultancy, we launched our global DEI application and certification program under the Workplace in Action® for DEI brand in October 2023.

The feature of our program is based on an end-to-end, systematic DEI structure that can be tracked with KPIs. We offer a special approach for each company, based on increasing the level of awareness, measuring the DEI perspective within the company, field studies, one-on-one interviews and following up on the determined actions.

HR Magazine: What services do you currently provide?

Our services offered to companies through our Workplace in Action® for DEI program address the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in every aspect and aim to integrate these principles into the way companies do business.

Awareness Trainings and Analyzes: We conduct trainings and detailed analyzes to raise awareness within the company. These trainings are designed to deepen employees' understanding of DEI issues and promote an inclusive workplace culture. With perception surveys and analyses, we evaluate the current DEI situation within the company, identify current challenges and suggest ways to improve.

Strategy Development and Implementation: Strategic DEI planning aims to align the company's goals and vision with the DEI perspective. We develop comprehensive methods to ensure the participation and commitment of employees at all levels in the process of creating and implementing DEI strategies. These strategies reshape internal company policies, procedures and communication with an inclusive perspective.

DEI Maturity Measurement: Measuring DEI maturity is important for measuring companies' current DEI performance and identifying areas for improvement. During this process, a comprehensive assessment is conducted to clearly determine where the company is in the field of DEI and where it wants to go.

DEI Application Certification: We certify companies that have improved their application maturity level in the field of DEI, valid for 1 year. With the audits to be carried out every year, the certification process is renewed according to the level of success and maturity.

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals: Our program is designed to support the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. We help companies achieve these global goals, especially by contributing to goals such as gender equality and reducing inequalities.

Measurable Benefits: The main benefits of the program include employee loyalty and satisfaction, increased reputation and brand image, attraction of valuable talents, improved decision-making mechanisms and positive effects on business results. We also strengthen companies' market positions through reduced risk and increased legal compliance.

HR Magazine: What are your suggestions and messages for Human Resources professionals?

The importance of Human Resources professionals has never been greater, especially in a world where DEI is at the center of corporate strategy. Our Workplace in Action® for DEI program gives professionals in this field the tools and training they need to view DEI not just as an HR agenda item, but as a business strategy and competitive advantage.

The benefits offered by our program include visible increases in employee loyalty and satisfaction. Because creating inclusive work environments and reinforcing the sense of belonging allows employees to establish a stronger bond with the organization and add more value to their work. This both reduces employee turnover and increases overall business performance.

We encourage Human Resources professionals to maximize the potential of their employees and invest in them. Because this not only creates a happier and more productive workforce, but also moves companies forward towards achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals include achieving improvements in areas such as gender equality, fair work and economic growth, healthy living and well-being.

HR professionals should integrate DEI initiatives with the company's overall business goals and encourage employee participation in those goals. It is also important to encourage innovation in the workplace by increasing diversity and inclusion, expanding the customer base and ensuring that the company creates a positive image in society.

If you want to invest in your employees, unlock their potential and contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, you can start this journey by contacting us.

HR DERGİ:What are the priority items on your agenda and your goals for the next period?

In particular, one of our main priorities is to ensure that companies make concrete progress in the areas of gender equality, diversity and inclusion, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this process, we plan to support companies in achieving their DEI goals by improving our certification processes and encourage their continuous improvement in this area.

Toyota Türkiye Employee Experience Director

Seda Koytak:

“The program will support the personal and professional development of employees”

As Toyota, we always prioritize "Respect for People" and employee experience in our Human Resources strategy. Satisfaction of our employees and enriching their experiences at work is one of the most important goals for us.

I recommend that leading companies seriously consider including the Workplace in Action® DEI program in their agenda for the new year to strengthen their existing solid foundations further.

I believe that this program will make significant contributions to companies that emphasize the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion in the business world at every opportunity and will support the personal and professional development of their employees.

Ming Founder, Yorglass Executive Board Member

Merve Yorgancılar Işıtmak:

“The program is expected to strengthen the internal dynamics of companies and increase employees' motivation and loyalty to the company.”

The Workplace in Action® program is an important step in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in business. This program brings together individuals from different cultural and social backgrounds, contributing to the creation of a more understanding and respectful environment in workplaces.

On diversity and inclusion I think it is very important to create a more harmonious and productive environment in workplaces, thanks to increased awareness. However, I expect the program to create a more comprehensive collaboration and communication environment in workplaces by enabling employees to understand each other's experiences and perspectives. Combining various perspectives will increase companies' innovation and creativity capacity.

The program is also of great importance in increasing the overall performance and employee satisfaction of companies by ensuring that every individual in the workplace contributes and feels valued. However, it will also improve companies' ability to attract and retain talent by strengthening the employer brand and increasing the companies' reputation in society. The impact of this program on companies and employees reflects the core principles that I encountered and worked on while developing the Ming platform.

Our goals, such as promoting diversity and inclusion in workplaces, increasing creativity and innovation, and strengthening employee satisfaction and loyalty, are in parallel with the Workplace in Action® program.

As we provide with the Ming platform, the DEI program will increase employee satisfaction and loyalty by supporting a structure that will include everyone within the company and ensure that the voice of every employee is heard. We believe that the Workplace in Action® for DEI program will help businesses take steps in this direction and become more inclusive in the business world in general. I believe it will contribute to creating a diverse environment.

Being a pioneer of the Workplace in Action® program is a source of great pride and responsibility for me. While developing the Ming platform, I observed the inequalities in digitalization, internal communication and diversity in the business world and aimed to create change in these areas.

Our aim with Ming was to remove communication barriers between blue and white collar employees and ensure that everyone can have their voices heard equally. This has helped companies create a more inclusive, engaged and motivated work environment.

It is important to me to ensure that employees and businesses become more aware of diversity, equity and inclusion and help them integrate these values into their workplaces. My experiences at Ming increase my belief that this program will encourage companies to be innovative and creative and will have an impact on creating a more inclusive work environment. With Ming, we have created a communication model that includes everyone in the workplace and ensures that every employee's voice is heard.

I aim to create a similar impact with the Workplace in Action® for DEI program. I expect this program to strengthen the internal dynamics of companies and increase employees' motivation and commitment to the company.

We would like to thank Ms. Merve Yorgancılar Işıtmak, Ms. Seda Koytak, HR Magazine and our entire team for contributing to the interview.

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